Gi Young Kim
Gi Young Kim Born in South Korea, 1980 Lives and Work in Seoul Education 2006 Withdrew from the Master’s program, Architecture 1, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, USA 2003 BFA, Painting, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA Solo Exhibitions 2019 conflict, Whistle, Seoul, Korea 2014 Collecting Time, gallery is, Seoul, Korea 2006 Gi Young Kim Solo Exhibition, Gallery Noon, Seoul, Korea Group Exhibitions (Selected) 2017 Final Fantasy, HITE Collection, Seoul, Korea 2015 SOMA DRAWING: Mindful Mindless, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea 2008 5th Busan Biennale Sea Art Festival: Voyage Without Boundaries, Busan, Korea 2007 Everyday Art, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea Hwak, Gallery Noon, Seoul 2003 Painting Degree Show, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA Archive 2014 9th SOMA Drawing Center Archive Artist, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
생각은 고민을 회피하는 시간을 멈추게 한다 생각=파란색 고민을 회피한다=노란색 thinking ceases the duration in which I avoid, worry thinking=blue to avoid worry=yellow Acrylic&graphite on paper, 80×80cm, 2014
안전한 감정은 불안해하는 시간을 멈추게 한다 안전함=밤색 불안함=숲의 초록색 feeling of safety ceases the duration of anxiety safety=brown anxiety=forest green Acrylic&graphite on paper, 80×80cm, 2014
‘생각은 고민을 회피하는 시간을 멈추게 한다’의 과정 드로잉 process drawings ‘thinking ceases the duration in which I avoid, worry’ Mixed media, 28×28.5cm, 2014
‘안전한 감정은 불안해하는 시간을 멈추게 한다’의 과정 드로잉 process drawings for ‘feeling of safety ceases the duration of anxiety’ Mixed media, 28×28.5cm, 2014
나는 혼란스러웠다 혼란스러움=크림색=음표b(시) i was bewildered bewilderment=cream=music note b(si) Acrylic&graphite on paper, 20×20cm, 2016
나는 설렜고 혼란스러웠다 설렘=다홍색=music note f(파) 혼란스러움=크림색=음표b(시) i was excited and bewildered excitement=scarlet=music note b=f(fa) bewilderment=cream=music note b(si) Acrylic&graphite on paper, 20×20cm, 2016
때때로 a 마음이 가벼울 때=하늘색=음표e(미) 근심 속에 잠겨있지 않을 때=노란색=음표 d(레) sometimes a when light-hearted=sky-blue=music note e(mi) when not submerged in an anguish=yellow=music note d(re) Watercolor pencils&graphite on paper, 25×25cm, 2017
때때로 b 마음이 가벼울 때=하늘색=음표e(미) 근심 속에 잠겨있지 않을 때=노란색=음표 d(레) 설렘=다홍색=음표f(파) sometimes b when light-hearted=sky-blue=music note e(mi) when I’m not submerged in an anguish=yellow=music note d(re) thrilled=scarlet=music note f(fa) Watercolor pencils&graphite on paper, 25×25cm, 2017
때때로 c 근심 속에 잠겨있지 않을 때=노란색=음표 d(레) 설렘=다홍색=음표f(파) sometimes c when not submerged in an anguish=yellow=music note d(re) thrilled=scarlet=music note f(fa) Watercolor pencils&graphite on paper, 25×25cm, 2017
너무 혼란스럽고 설레서 난 생각을 할 수 없었다 혼란스러움=크림색=음표b(시) 설렘=다홍색=음표f(파) 생각을 할 수 없다=노란색=음표d(레) too bewildered and excited, I was unable to think bewildered=cream=music note b(si) excited=scarlet=music note f(fa) unable to think=yellow=music note d(re) PITT artist pen, Coloured-pencil&graphite on paper, 13.7×13.7cm, 2017
나는 너무 설레서 생각할 수 없었다. 설렘=주황색, 다홍색=음표 f(파) 생각할 수 없다= 노란색=음표 d(레) too excited, i was unable to think excited=orange, scarlet=music note f(fa) unable to think=yellow=music note d(re) Coloured-pencil, PITT artist pen&graphite on paper, 9×9cm, 2017
기쁨의 시간으로 만들어진 공간들 a 기쁨=연한 청록색=음표 e(미)와 f(파)를 같은 옥타브에서 함께 연주한다 spaces created with time of delight a delight=light-aquamarine=music note e(mi) and f(fa) played together in the same octave Acrylic&graphite on paper, 25×25cm, 2018
기쁨의 시간으로 만들어진 공간들 b 기쁨=연한 청록색=음표 e(미)와 f(파)를 같은 옥타브에서 함께 연주한다 spaces created with time of delight b delight=light-aquamarine=music note e(mi) and f(fa) played together in the same octave Acrylic & graphite on paper, 25x25cm, 2018
기쁨의 시간으로 만들어진 공간들 c 기쁨=연한 청록색=음표 e(미)와 f(파)를 같은 옥타브에서 함께 연주한다 spaces created with time of delight c delight=light-aquamarine=music note e(mi) and f(fa) played together in the same octave Acrylic&graphite on paper, 28×28cm, 2018